What working in Marketing REALLY looks like. Working a 9-5 job can be different then what some people may expect. I’m taking you into what a day in my life really looks life as a Marketing Associate. If you’re going into marketing or just curious to see what a corporate job looks like, what and find out! #dayinthelife #digitalmarketingassociate #dayinthelifeofamarketingassociateComment if this is what you expected a Marketing job to look like! Xx Don’t forget to sub :)Table of Contents 0:05 Morning Routine 3:46 On My Way to Work 4:26 Arrived! 5:07 My Day Begins 6:21 Lunch Time 7:11 Back From Lunch 8:04 Job Description and Day Recapinsta: links: Music by Grant Schaffer – Pineapple – Music by ninjoi. – Where Do I Go – Music by Mark Generous – Meganne – Music by MYSM – Soft Cream –